Yen Nee Goh
Senior Architect
Yen Nee has been involved with several notable and award winning conservation projects in Western Australia including St George’s Cathedral Stage 1 Cathedral and Belltower Restoration, which won the Australian Institute of Architects WA Chapter Awards in 2008 and ‘Colwyn’ Residence, 50 Victoria Avenue in 2009.
Yen Nee is also involved with the preparation of feasibility studies, heritage assessments and heritage impact studies involving medium to large scale developments. Branching out of heritage and conservation projects.
Yen Nee now provides valuable insight into heritage conservation and site sensitive design at SCHIN Architects that celebrate the history and culture of the locale.
Senior Architect
Yen Nee has been involved with several notable and award winning conservation projects in Western Australia including St George’s Cathedral Stage 1 Cathedral and Belltower Restoration, which won the Australian Institute of Architects WA Chapter Awards in 2008 and ‘Colwyn’ Residence, 50 Victoria Avenue in 2009.
Yen Nee is also involved with the preparation of feasibility studies, heritage assessments and heritage impact studies involving medium to large scale developments. Branching out of heritage and conservation projects.
Yen Nee now provides valuable insight into heritage conservation and site sensitive design at SCHIN Architects that celebrate the history and culture of the locale.